Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Obama is not Muslim - he is, however, the wrong choice for the Democratic Party

The rumor mills have been grinding.  Particularly amongst folk like those single digit IQ Americans who populate online spots like the AOL message boards.  That means, of course, that FAUX “News” has also picked up on the rumor.  What is it?  Why the rumor that Barack Obama has ties to radical Muslim and doesn’t pledge allegiance to the flag. 

Oooooooh – scary! 

The facts is that Obama was not "raised as a Muslim." He was raised by his mother and grandparents, none of whom were Muslims. His step-father, whom he lived with for only five years, was a Muslim, but a very traditionally Indonesian one.   The dude is currently a practicing Christian. 

Frankly I could give a rat’s ass one way or another.  I am not, however, your average American voter. 

I do care deeply, however, about taking back the White House.   Our country is in big heaps o’ trouble, from the war in Iraq to the economy to the war against the poor to our overriding lack of compassion to the decline of our dollar to the abysmal quality of our public schools to the lack of health care for all to the overmedication of our children leading to our children shooting up high school and college campuses to the gutting of our constitution to the ruination of our media to the … you get the picture.  We are at a point in our great nation’s history when we are no longer great – nor can we pretend to be.  We’ve been screwed people.  Screwed by the Republican party from Nixon to Reagan to Bush to Rove to Bush. 

It’s a big mess.  And it’s gonna take more than inspiration to clean it all up – if indeed it CAN be cleaned up.  It’s gonna take experience and a return to the progressive roots of the Democratic Party. 

Make no mistake. The Republicans are praying Obama wins the Democratic nomination. Ya’all would be playing right into their hands by making it so.  And the Republicans are planting seeds and hoping the little Muslim Obama stories will have gained a life of their own by the time the general election rolls around.  Well, heck, Republicans own the media so they can do more than hope. They’ll be exploiting Americans worst instincts.  Think you're better than that, think it's hard to pull one over on the "bright, educated" American populace?  Hahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah



 Oh my gosh, I can't quit laughing ... 

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Democrats Could Lose it in 2008 - Draft Gore!

Well, after the devastation of the past 8 years, after Katrina, the war in Iraq, the 9/11 lies, the price of gas, the continued decline of public education, the disastrous economy, etc., etc. wouldn't you just think that, come November of 2008, a Democrat would sail smoothly into the White House? i mean, c'mon, who would be foolish enough to vote Republican? Let's get real, our dollar is on par with Canada for crying out loud. Gisele Bündchen is demanding her modeling fees in euros, if that doesn't tell you something about faith in the American dollar. We are an international embarrassment.

After witnessing the current administration’s response to Katrina it seemed to me you could run news footage (hey, even FOX news footage!) from now until election day without even campaigning and the Democrats would take the election.

But, nooooooooooooooooooooooo. Just as they are wont to do, the Democrats have fucked up again.

The one Democratic candidate who was feared by both Republicans and the lobbyists – and, gee, I don’t know about you, but I would just love a candidate who was feared by the lobbyists – John Edwards, has fallen by the wayside. We’re left with Hillary and Obama. Not just Hillary and Obama, but a snarky, snarling Hillary/Obama snit at the one point in our nation’s history when a united front is crucial.

Both have an uphill battle against McCain, but particularly Obama, whose lack of experience will really contrast with the septuagenarian McCain. When we consider that the damage to our country began in the 1980’s with the Reagan/Bush administration – it goes way back – Obama’s lack of experience is particularly troubling.

I hate to say it but it looks as though the Raspublicans could take it again … and then we’ll really be up a creek without a paddle. We can kiss our freedoms, the very thought of universal health care, and our country goodbye