Thursday, January 31, 2008

Where do Progressives Stand? Not With

These past few months I've been wondering where my favorite political action organization,, stood on endorsing a Presidential candidate.

You know, the wiki-described "controversial, non-profit liberal public policy advocacy group, which has raised millions of dollars for Democratic Party candidates in the United States. It was formed in response to the impeachment of President Clinton., and is by some accounts, cited as a factor which helped propel the Democratic Party to power in the 2006 election."

The question was answered today when I received this email:
Dear MoveOn Member,

We have a big decision to make. Yesterday, John Edwards left the race for president, leaving just two major Democratic candidates. And next Tuesday, over half of MoveOn's members will go to the polls in the biggest primary day in American history.

Right now, we have an opportunity to influence who our next president is—3.2 million MoveOn members together. When we surveyed over 200,000 MoveOn members yesterday to see if we should go forward with an endorsement process, a big majority said "yes."

So it's time to ask the question: Who should MoveOn endorse in the Democratic primary? If two-thirds of MoveOn members support one candidate, we'll campaign for that candidate together. Here's your ballot—vote today:

Frankly I was a little confused. Here MoveOn had had an opportunity to support a truly progressive candidate, a candidate who had made poverty and health care the focus of his campaign, more importantly the one lone candidate not accepting corporate PAC lobbying funds. To my mind, having survived - barely - eight years of Bush, not to mention the 80's decade-long destruction by Reagan-Bush, having a Presidential candidate who supported my interests - the interests of the people - rather than those of the mega corporations and pharmaceutical companies, was of primary importance.

I not only want my country back - I want my party back!

When the money that fills the campaign coffers of Obama, Clinton, McCain, Romney and Huckabee all comes from the same sources ... something's a little fishy.

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