Monday, January 28, 2008

What's the latest miracle drug?

Over the past several years I've begun to feel more and more alienated from my fellow Americans.  

It all started about ten years ago when it seemed like everyone that I knew was on Prozac.  I had to try it too!  But my doctor wouldn't just give me Prozac ... I had to start out with Zoloft.  A nightmare!  Literally.  I took it one day and never again.  Friends said "give it time."  I couldn't chance another experience like the one I'd had.  I might lose my MIND.  Next was Welbutrin.  The rage was unimaginable.  I'd scream at my kids for looking at me funny.  

Finally my doctor gave me the miracle drug, Prozac.  To be honest, I did give it some time.  Two weeks to be exact.  It was an eerie experience to say the least.  I didn't feel depressed.  I didn't feel exactly joyful either.  I felt more like a zombie, sleepwalking through my day.  My creative thought process, normally in high gear, became sluggish.  I was unable to do the one thing that HAD previously usually lifted me out of the doldrums - exercise.  My body felt too heavy to perform even a simple run.

So much for "health insurance."

Now I rely on fish oils, a good multivitamin, fresh air and exercise.  

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I think all these electro-magnetic fields around us have a lot to do with our mental circuitry too.

Some of us may be more sensitive to the electronic 'noise' around us.

Yea, High Five, on fish oil!!!