Monday, February 11, 2008

The Democrats Could Lose it in 2008 - Draft Gore!

Well, after the devastation of the past 8 years, after Katrina, the war in Iraq, the 9/11 lies, the price of gas, the continued decline of public education, the disastrous economy, etc., etc. wouldn't you just think that, come November of 2008, a Democrat would sail smoothly into the White House? i mean, c'mon, who would be foolish enough to vote Republican? Let's get real, our dollar is on par with Canada for crying out loud. Gisele Bündchen is demanding her modeling fees in euros, if that doesn't tell you something about faith in the American dollar. We are an international embarrassment.

After witnessing the current administration’s response to Katrina it seemed to me you could run news footage (hey, even FOX news footage!) from now until election day without even campaigning and the Democrats would take the election.

But, nooooooooooooooooooooooo. Just as they are wont to do, the Democrats have fucked up again.

The one Democratic candidate who was feared by both Republicans and the lobbyists – and, gee, I don’t know about you, but I would just love a candidate who was feared by the lobbyists – John Edwards, has fallen by the wayside. We’re left with Hillary and Obama. Not just Hillary and Obama, but a snarky, snarling Hillary/Obama snit at the one point in our nation’s history when a united front is crucial.

Both have an uphill battle against McCain, but particularly Obama, whose lack of experience will really contrast with the septuagenarian McCain. When we consider that the damage to our country began in the 1980’s with the Reagan/Bush administration – it goes way back – Obama’s lack of experience is particularly troubling.

I hate to say it but it looks as though the Raspublicans could take it again … and then we’ll really be up a creek without a paddle. We can kiss our freedoms, the very thought of universal health care, and our country goodbye


Kimberly said...

Poor Al. He's let his ego get in the way. Maybe he'd just rather lecture and write books instead of getting his butt in there and helping us out as Prez. Hell, I'd get Jimmy Carter in there if I could. But I guess Americans don't want a peace-loving leader.

PamelaBryman said...

You've got that right. I never could understand how Carter ended up with such a bad rap. Great guy.